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Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team
AKA #usapatriots
Back: June 13 & 14, 2025 !

11th Long Island visit over 13 years
Most of anywhere in the world

Games, Events, Meet em: a world with no limits
Celebration, Motivation, Inspiration and FUN !

INot only did they close the Long Island Expressway for the team and escort in 2024. Newsday celebrated with a full page story. Players joined school children to celebrate Flag Day and visited hospitals to spread the message of no quit, no limits.  2025 is promises to be even better ! All free for all thanks to our generous sponsors and donors.


All Events Free


June 13 & 14  2025


The National Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team

AKA: USA PATRIOTS – continued service

Some see the glass as half full. Some as half empty. They see it as overflowing.


They are a softball team like you’ve never seen.

Nearly twenty veterans of the post-9/11 era have

come together to form the WWAST; the

Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team. As

their name suggests, everyone on the team was is

a veteran and most use a prosthesis of some sort.

This remarkable team that has been featured on

HBO, ESPN, CBS Evening News, and Sports

Illustrated, just to name a few. Theirs is a mission

of a world with limits does not have to be limited.

Theirs is not a war story. It is not a political story.

They are simply an example of the human

condition at its very finest.

The team was formed in 2011. They play all over the country on weekends. Each comes from a

different place across the country. Wisconsin, Texas, California. They fly in on a Friday and are

back home Sunday night. They spread their mission with games and events, school, hospital,

and veteran visits, that anything is possible. By Monday they are back in their homes, tending

to families, school and jobs, waiting for the following Friday. This will be their  tenth visit to

the NYC / Long Island area, in on june 13 & 14 2025

.. The games are always free. 

The team is not, nor has ever been affiliated with any other organization using the name " Wounded Warrior"

This website is for information on the WWAST and their events in the NY Metro area.  We encourage you to visit the team's official website 

 Always fun and free. In 2019: vs Boomer Esiason  and his All-Stars. Boomer from Long Island Hosts CBS NFL Today, WFAN's morning radio show, and loves to give back - thank you boomer,

Every year is great with old and new friends celebrating a world with no limits

Note the WWAST is a 503c not for profit. Indivdual donations are still tax deductiable ( check with your tax advisor ).  Checks should be made payable to " WWAST" and mailed to joe bart  15 Teresa lane, East Northport NY 11731, they will then be forwarded directly to the team. 

How is this for no limits:

Player Greg Reynolds is now the Guinness World Record Holder. Greg did 54 one arm pushups in 1 minute with  40 lbs weight on his back ! He only has one arm !  Join him on the golf course, ballfield or party. NO LIMITS !

Feel Free to call joe to find out more 631 840 7787

Email Joe for any questions or suggestions 

The team has not and has never been associated with any other organizations, specifically those using the term " Wounded Warrior". Hence the name change from WWAST to USA Patriot Amputee Softball Team. All monies go directly and only to the team and their mission.


Games and Events are always free

Stay tuned visit

Sponsors and supporters appreciated 631 840 7787





2025 Long Island Games and visit
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Kids Camp
  • Annual weeklong camp

  • 20 amputee children and the wwast

  • The highlight of the year

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Corporate and Local
 Sponsors Welcome
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